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Academic Support Resources

Last updated on 2022/05/18

The University of Windsor provides many services to help improve student life, and this particular article discusses academic services around the campus.

Academic Advising

Here are a list of UWindsor staff to contact for your program-related questions and concerns such as program transfers, course selections, and degree audits. For issues related to the Computer Science program, it is recommended to contact the CS office or a CS academic advisor first to get the most in-depth and helpful answer possible. Other advisors can also help you for general concerns related to the Faulty of Science or the University of Windsor.

Computer Science Main Office

  • Email:
  • Phone: 519-253-3000 Ext. 2991.
  • Office: Lambton Tower, Room 5114

Alternatively, you can contact the Undergraduate Computer Science Secretary Ms. Tina Palmer.

Computer Science Academic Advisors

Here are a list of Computer Science Advisors who will be able to help you with your course scheduling or program of study. To make an appointment with an advisor, you should first contact the Computer Science Main Office.

NameLambton Tower Room Number
Dr. Imran Ahmad (Undergrad Program Chair)8112
Dr. Peter Tsin (Undergrad Program Assoc. Chair)8117
Dr. Christie Ezeife5105
Dr. Arunita Jaekel5109
Dr. Jianguo Lu5111
Dr. Dan Wu8116

Associate Dean of Science: Dr. P. Dutton

Alternatively, you can contact the Academic & Student Affairs Secretary Laura Laurie.

Central Academic Advising Office (for general advising)

The following organizations provide course-related support (midterm, final exam, or general tutoring) for undergraduate students:

CS Current Undergraduate Students (The School of Computer Science)

On Brightspace, the CS Current Students organization offers tutoring for all CS courses. You can find them at the Brightspace Organizations page. For more detailed instruction on accessing their tutoring service, see here.

Math and Stats Learning Centre

The MSLC provides midterm review sessions, drop-in tutoring services, and private tutors for many first-year Math and second-year Stats courses, including MATH-1250, MATH-1720, and STAT-2910. You can find more information about them here and here.

PALS (Peer Assisted Learning Sessions)

PALS offer in-person and online tutoring sessions for different UWindsor courses. Particularly, they have hosted sessions for STAT-2910 in the past. You can email them for more information or look for their flyers around the campus.

SOS (Students Offering Support)

SOS offers student-led exam aids (group review sessions, take-home packages/summary notes) for midterms and final exams of different subjects, including Computer Science and Math/Stats courses. The SOS review sessions are not free, but all proceeds from the exam aids goes towards education projects to help students in Latin America. You can find them here.

Student Success and Leadership Centre

The Student Success Centre provides writing support for students who are writing essays, reports, or other academic writings. They also provide academic support programs like Bounce Back to help students build good study habits. You can find them here.

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