COMP 2650 - Overview
Course Title
The title for COMP-2650 is "Computer Architecture I".
Course Description
This course covers fundamental concepts of digital design and CPU architecture. Topics covered include number systems, switching algebra, logic gates, circuit minimization combinational circuit, read-only memory, random-access memory, programmable logic, synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, latches, flip-flops, registers, counters, register transfer language. and CPU architecture overview. (Prerequisite: COMP-1400) (3 lecture hours and 1.5 laboratory hours a week)
Typical Course Offering
COMP-2650 is typically offered in all semesters.
Is a Textbook Required?
No, while there is a textbook listed and you may find it helpful, it is not required to succeed in this course.
COMP-1400 is the prerequisite for this class.