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COMP 4250 - Overview

Course Title

The title for COMP-4250 is "Big Data Analytics and Database Design".

Course Description

This course introduces topics in data mining and data analytics with emphasis on Big Data. Students will gain knowledge on the practical design principles as well as theoretical foundations of Big Data processing systems. Topics covered will include: data storage design and processing of big data systems such as NOSQL databases, MapReduce and Hadoop; introduction to data mining concepts such as frequent itemset and association rule mining, finding similar items, clustering, classification, link analysis, and mining data streams. (Prerequisite: COMP-3150 or COMP-3250) (3 lecture hours a week, plus unsupervised study and work on individual/group assignments or projects.)

Typical Course Offering

COMP-4250 is typically offered in the Winter semester.

Is a Textbook Required?

No, while there is a textbook listed and you may find it helpful, it is not required to succeed in this course.


COMP-3150 or COMP-3250 is the prerequisite for this class.
