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Special Courses

Last updated on 2022/07/29

In addition to the classes listed in the course offering table, there are other CS-related classes that may not have a particular term of offering but could still be of your interest.

Selected Topics

These classes offers different topics from year to year. For higher year courses, they may also offer lecture components from other graduate courses. When the topic changes, it may be repeated for credit. However, you should seek a CS advisor before you take these courses.

  • COMP-2750 (Prerequisite: COMP-1000 or MATH-1720, and COMP-1410)
  • COMP-3750 (Prerequisite: COMP-2120, COMP-2540, and COMP-2560)
  • COMP-3760 (Prerequisite: COMP-2120, COMP-2540, and COMP-2560)
  • COMP-4750 (Prerequisite: to be in Semester 7 and 8 and obtained instructor's permission)
  • COMP-4760 (Prerequisite: to be in Semester 7 and 8 and obtained instructor's permission)

Co-op Work Terms

These classes are exclusive to students who enrolled in Co-op programs. They are Pass/nonPass classes that requires completion of 420+ hours, and students must pass these courses to continue in Co-op.

  • COMP-2980: Co-op Work Term I
  • COMP-3980. Co-op Work Term II
  • COMP-4970. Co-op Work Term III
  • COMP-4980. Co-op Work Term IV

Project Courses

In addition to the courses listed in the table above, COMP-4700 is a course where students can complete a project using computing tools of their choice. Students who would like to take this course must have completed COMP-3150, COMP-3220, and COMP-3300. In addition, they must seek the approval of the instructor to take the course with their choice of tool.

Internship Courses

These are courses that help you gains practical skills:

  • SCIE-3990 Internship Course
  • SCIE-3800 Service Learning

They are 3 credits Pass/nonPass courses that will count toward your electives. These courses are the flexible version of co-op placement.

How to enroll?

1st-4th year students are eligible to enroll but with the instructor's permission Michelle Bondy. First, you will need a placement such as a lab work, research, or an internship that is related to your program. Do not worry, if you could not find any, there are placements listed for these courses that you could pick from. However, it is better to find your own paid placement. Paid or volunteer placement is valid since the purpose of the courses is to help you gain experience in the professional work environment.


  • Must complete 108 hours during the placement.
  • Report bi-weekly hour log and bi-weekly assignment about learning expereience.
  • Self evalution for midterm by the student and the final evalution done by the supervisor of the placement.

Two Birds with One Stone:
You could enrol in this course while you are an OS program placement. Since the OS contract requires you to complete 45-100 hours and the course requires 106 hours and frequent reports to the instructor. With these two requirements satisfied as the OS placement, you use SCIE-3990 or SCIE-3800 as the placement in the OS contract. In the end, you get to complete a placement and a 3 credits course by working for only one.