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MATH 1020 - Overview

Course Title

The title for MATH-1020 is "Mathematical Foundations".

Course Description

This course will cover mathematical logic, proof methods and development of proof techniques, mathematical induction, sets, equivalence relations, partial ordering relations and functions. (Prerequisite: One of COMP-1000, MATH-1250, MATH-1260 or MATH-1270.) (2 lecture hours, 2 tutorial hours per week.)

Typical Course Offering

MATH-1020 is typically offered in the Winter and Summer semesters.

Is a Textbook Required?

No, while there is a textbook listed and you may find it helpful, it is not required to succeed in this course.


COMP-1000 or MATH-1250 or MATH-1260 or MATH-1270 is the prerequisite for this class.


Sorry, we don't have a syllabus for this course yet.