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The Grind For Internships

· 2 min read
Abdulaziz Khan

Internships. We all want one to get experience. Some of us get interviews and some don’t. Everyday students at the university are constantly applying to various internships either through coop or their own personal websites to land an interview. These internships might be with big companies or even smaller upcoming companies.

The one question that we always ask is why it is so hard to get an internship. Sometimes it's because of the work that the company might be doing that they need someone who is a perfect fit, other times it might be because our application does not parse well.

Regardless of the reason, we push forward and continue to apply to various postings of various companies. Some tips that I thought could help with the grind for internships would be the following.

Number one: make sure to first connect with someone that works as a University Recruiter for the company you are applying for because your resume will most likely land on their table.

Next would be to keep applying even if you don’t have all the skills that are stated in the job description, most of the time companies will teach you the skills regardless of experience.

The final tip would be that you don’t feel defeated if you get a rejection, move on and continue to apply to various other postings. Remember that all you need is one internship to swing open the door to other internships and connections.

I hope these tips help to make the internship grind a bit easier. If you need assistance with your resume or preparing for interviews, the CSS has many resources available to you on their website, YouTube channel and discord server! Also feel free to contact me via discord if you want a personal resume critique or need some questions answered about the job market.

Thanks for reading!